Newsletter Week 9, Term 1 2022
4 Gold and 4 Teal Assembly - Week 9
ERROR - will be updated soon
Religious Education News

A Reminder: Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation)
To the students who will be receiving the Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation). This celebration will occur on Tuesday 5th April, 6:00pm at St Anthony’s Church, Kingscliff.
Please note further information will be sent home to these families in the near future.

School News
Our annual Easter Hat Parade will be held next Friday 8 April. This is the time of year to put on your creative thinking caps and start designing and making an Easter hat for your child to wear in the parade on this day. There will be certificates awarded on the day for the most colourful and the most creative hats.
All are welcome to come and attend the parade which will begin at approx.9.15am after class rolls are marked.
All students (K-6) will participate in a class Egg Hunt throughout the day. These will be Cadbury Milk Eggs and distributed at the end of the hunt to students. If your child is not able to eat the eggs please contact your child’s teacher on Compass.

Amendment to the COVID-19 Self-Isolation Order
The Minister for Health has signed the Public Health (COVID-19 Self-Isolation)
Order Amendment (No 1) Order 2022.
The Amending Order amends the Public Health (COVID-19 Self-Isolation) Order to exempt a person who is a close or household contact from the requirement to self-isolate if the person has had COVID-19 in the previous 12 weeks. This means students who have had COVID-19 are exempt from needing to self-isolate for a period of 12 weeks, if they are a close household contact of a COVID-19 case. The Essential Workers Self-Isolation Exemption remains in place for education workers.
Family School Partnerships - Resources and Information for Parents
The Parent Resource Centre on the Catholic Schools Office website has recently been updated with a new section: Support After a Natural Disaster which provides families with information about how to access practical post disaster relief support as well as resources and strategies to help parents support children's emotional and mental wellbeing after experiencing natural disasters. Please share this resource with your parents and carers.
Recent local and international news and media has focused on stories of disaster and war, this infographic, How to Talk To Your Child About News and Events may be a helpful resource for parents and carers at this time.

Good afternoon and welcome to another sports update!
A big congratulations to all students who travelled far and wide to compete in the Winter Sports Trials. Some of these trials have been postponed, however the following students were successful and have been chosen to represent the Lismore Diocese at the Polding level trials later in the year:
11 Years Rugby League
Wyatt Greenhill
Lucas Singh
Hubert Jackson
Zakarya Burns
Chase Deegenaars
Eve Trimboli
We wish these students all the best for their Polding trials!
Cross Country Carnival
A huge thank you to all the parents who volunteered last Friday for the Cross Country Carnival, and to all the staff who worked so hard to make it a wonderful day for all students. A note has been sent out to all parents of students who have made it through to represent St Ambrose at the Zone Cross Country Carnival in Murwillumbah on the 6th May next term. Good luck to all of those students!
The next major school carnival is the St Ambrose Athletics Carnival on Friday 17th June, Week 8, Term 2 being held at school.
Anxiety Intervention Free - Primary Schools
Your school may be interested in offering parents the opportunity to complete an anxiety intervention with their child. Our school communities offer Cool Kids as a small group intervention. The intervention is designed for 7 to 12 year olds.
Macquarie University has developed an online version. Cool Kids Online consists of 8 online lessons for parents and children to complete together over 10 weeks. Topics covered in the program include:
- Learning about feelings and anxiety
- Fighting fear by facing fear (stepladders)
- Detective thinking, and learning to think more realistically
- Building assertiveness and dealing with teasing
- Helpful ways of coping when upset
Parents can register for the free online intervention. An initial assessment is completed first to determine whether Cool Kids Online is likely to be suitable and beneficial for the child’s needs This includes an online questionnaire, a telephone interview and a debrief.
The training is completed at home.The university is currently evaluating the effectiveness of the Cool Kids Online program. In return for the participation of the parent and child in their research, there are no costs associated with assessment and treatment.
If parents have any questions they can contact Macquarie University Centre for Emotional Health at
Parent Forum