2023, Term 1, Week 3
Principal's Message
Friday Assembly: Welcome Back
Religious News
Learning & Teaching
2023 Student Residential Address and other Information Collection
Sports News
Tweed Zone Trials
Polding Tennis
DIO AFL Trials
Up Coming Events
NAB AFL Auskick
Netball Registration
Wellbeing Cyber Safety
Music News
School Fair
Principal's Message

Dear Families,
As the school year resumes it is wonderful to see that the students have settled so well into the New Year. A big thank you to all families for the way in which the children present themselves each morning. Wearing our school uniform is a very important part of our school as it reflects the students pride in themselves and their school.
This week teachers made available parent / teacher interview times, whereby you can select an appropriate time to speak to your child's teacher about their progress to date and how they have settled into the new year. It also provides a wonderful opportunity to discuss goals and share information about your child. The interviews can be done either face to face or via zoom. I strongly urge you to take advantage of this valuable time.
The school is currently revising its homework procedure - this was brought about through information gathered from the' "Tell Them From Me Suvey" that were completed last year. It is envisaged that the new "homework" format will be introduced in Week 5 of this term.
On Thursday night a Parent Forum meeting was conducted whereby we elected our new treasuer and committee members as well as meeting with the newly appointed Class Representaives. A BIG THANK YOU to those who have volunteered and will provide assistance with upcoming school events and in organising class / year gatherings.
Our School Fair is to be held on Saturday 1st April. We are still looking for volunteers to assist. Your help in assisting the class parent rep or supporting the Fair committee would be greatly appreciated.
Last week we used our new school stage for the fist time. It is a wonderful aquistion to the school, as the children, when on stage, can be clearly seen by all students and parents. Please note that the newsletter will be sent out every second week (odd weeks of the Term). Each even week a brief school bulletin will be issued that will only contain reminders, upcoming events and the school calendar.
Have a great weekend.
Brian Laybutt
Friday Assembly: Welcome Back
Religious News

Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Tuesday 2023
Next Tuesday 21st Feb. the children will receive a pancake to represent Shrove Tuesday which is the day before Ash Wednesday.
During this time of Lent may we come to know Jesus more deeply and to live in His truth. We pray that we become the people Jesus calls us to be, a welcoming community alive to relationships of justice and peace.

Next week, Wednesday 22nd March we celebrated Ash Wednesday.
The students in Year 6, 5 & 4 will attend Mass at 9:15am whilst and the other Classes will celebrate a prayer service and receive their ashes.
Ash Wednesday begins the forty-day season of Lent that leads to Easter.
For Catholics, Ash Wednesday is also a day of fasting and abstaining from meat. Fasting reminds us that food alone cannot make us happy. We must also be fed with prayer, with God’s Word and by meeting Jesus in the Sacraments, especially Reconciliation and Eucharist.

The small sacrifices we make during
Lent make room in our hearts to
welcome the risen Jesus at Easter.
We are in the process of reviewing our School Homework Policy so, aside from reading each night, there will be no homework until Week 5- Tuesday 28th February. Homework will be sent out via Seesaw.
Learning & Teaching
Mathematics Assessment Interview (MAI)
THANK YOU for scheduling an MAI time with your child’s classroom teacher. This interview determines a student’s existing mathematical knowledge in the area of Number. The data is used by teachers to plan mathematical tasks to meet the needs of all students. You would have received a letter last week, whilst this is computer-generated, it does outline what your child can do and strategies to support your child at home.
As mentioned in the letter, you are very welcome to discuss this feedback with your child's teacher in the upcoming parent-teacher interviews.
Chelsea Carter
Assistant Principal- Learning & Teaching
Kimberley Mathewson
Leader of Pedagogy
2023 Student Residential Address and other Information Collection
Sports News

Zone Swimming
A huge congratulations to our 42 students who went to the Zone Swimming carnival at Tweed Regional Pool, Murwillumbah. It was a fantastic day with plenty of racing and cheering.
A further congratulations to the 8 students and the Senior Girls relay team who were selected to now represent the Tweed Zone at the Diocesan Trials in Kempsey on the 3rd of March.
Imogen - Senior Girls 50m Backstroke and Senior Girls 50m Butterfly
Grace - Senior Girls 50m Freestyle
Sage - Senior Girls 50m Breastroke
Isaac - 11 yrs Boys 50m Freestyle
Sam - 11 yrs Boys 50m Breastroke
Grace - 11 yrs Girls 50m Breastroke
Oliver - 11 yrs Boys 50m Backstroke
Braxton - 9 yrs Boys 50m Freestyle
Senior Girls Relay - Imogen, Sage, Rosie and Susannah
Tweed Zone Trials
All information has been sent out regarding those students that will be attending the Tweed Zone Winter Sports Trials. Please see below as a reminder of dates, times and locations for each sport.

Polding Tennis

We would like to congratulate Ben Spotswood on his selections in representing Polding at he NSWPSSA State Championships that are being held in May in Albury. We wish Ben all the best in his preparation for this event.
DIO AFL Trials
We would like to wish our 6 boys the best of luck down in Grafton next Friday as they trial for the Dio AFL Team.
All the best to Sam, Alby, Jacob, Ollie, Lincoln and Lukas.
Up Coming Events
Event | Date |
Yr 1-4 AFL Clinics | Monday 20th February |
Dio AFL Trials | Friday 24th February |
Dio Swimming | Friday 3rd March |
School Cross Country | Friday 24th March |
NAB AFL Auskick

NAB AFL Auskick is the national AFL introductory program for primary school kids and their families. The Tweed Coast Tigers Auskick program will be running at Pottsville Memorial Oval again during term 1 this year on Friday afternoons 4.00pm-5.00pm! The 8-week program kicks off on 10 th March. Cost only $90 and kids receive very own footy, Shirt and backpack! Find out more and register at play.afl /Auskick
Netball Registration

Wellbeing Cyber Safety
Music News
School Fair