

Libraries fuel the IMAGINATION!

Our Library is a welcoming place for all students to come to and a vital place to support students learning. It provides a wide selection of books and related resources to support curriculum-related research, individual interests, and the instructional reading needs of all students. We are always resourcing the Library with new releases and all children have access to SORA, an online reading library with over 20,000 books and 3,000 audiobooks.

Class Library visits are timetabled weekly and children can borrow two books each week. If books go missing there is a fee, however, we encourage children to be responsible when borrowing books. Library club is every Thursday at lunchtime. Children can come in to read and discuss books that they have recently read.

Book Week takes place in Week 3 of Term 4. This is a very exciting and engaging week in our school calendar with the Book Parade, Grandparents Day, Guest Speakers and rotational Literacy activities. The Library is transformed into a fun and interactive book store for all children to purchase books. All proceeds enable us to be able to buy the latest releases and keep our library interesting and up-to-date.

Parent helpers are more than welcome Monday-Thursday to cover books. Alternatively, they can take books home to cover. We appreciate any help!