Parent Groups, Representation & Volunteers

School Community Group - SCG (Formerly Parent Forum)

St Ambrose has an excellent system of parent involvement, which works very successfully in our school. The SCG covers a number of areas of school life including fundraising, class parents, grounds and environment, arts and celebrations, parent education, etc. SCG oversees and provides guidance, direction, and support to the School Principal as well as ensures that there is a 'Parent Voice'  & 'Parent Community'.

The SCG meets once a Term to discuss how the school is progressing, any support that is needed, or to discuss parental suggestions or concerns. ALL ARE WELCOME to attend these meetings, alternatively, meetings are live-streamed via the St Ambrose Facebook page.

SCG is always looking for feedback and suggestions on the direction of our school, if you would like to raise anything please let us know.

St Ambrose School Community Group Contact
Scheduled Parent Forum Meetings: All families are welcome to attend in person or via live stream through St Ambrose Facebook page.
Proposed 2025 Forum Meetings:
Term 1: Monday February 24th @ 6pm - Includes AGM
Term 2: Tuesday May 13th @ 6pm
Term 3: Tuesday August 5th @ 6pm
Term 4: Tuesday October 28th @ 6pm




2025 Parent Community Group Members 
Chairperson: Jason Arthurton
Secretary: Nicole Adams
Kindergarten Representative: Mykaela Walker
Committee Member(s): Bec Mander
Committee Member(s): Nominations currently open. 

Class Representatives 

Nominations currently open. 

Kindergarten Gold: 
Kindergarten Teal: 
Year 1 Gold: 
Year 1 Teal: 
Year 2 Gold: 
Year 2 Teal: 
Year 3 Gold: 
Year 3 Teal: 
Year 4 Gold: 
Year 4 Teal: 
Year 5 Gold: 
Year 5 Teal: 
Year 6 Gold: 
Year 6 Teal: 


School Volunteers

Volunteers bring a rich and diverse mixture of culture, life experience, and expertise from their communities. They complement and enhance the student-centered care provided by our staff.

Our volunteers enrich the quality of life for our students and their families and are in turn, enriched by their experiences.

To be a Catholic school volunteer, you must be 18 years of age or older and have completed your schooling. You must be of good character.

We welcome and thank you for your interest in offering to be a volunteer in our school community. You are providing a gift like no other when you spend your time with us.

Applicants will need to have a current WWC number and complete this online form for the Catholic Schools Office, Lismore.