Welcome to St Ambrose

Principal's Message

I have been in the privileged position of being the Foundational Principal of St Ambrose Pottsville. The school opened in 2015 with 7 classes and 142 students. The school has grown rapidly and has reached its capacity with 360 students and 14 classes.

Since its inception, the school has been in a fortuitous position to employ outstanding staff who are motivated, committed, and highly skilled. St Ambrose is a school based on contemporary learning goals, flexible and dynamic classrooms, and teachers who embrace modern learning methods. Simply, teachers provide a learning environment that is engaging and student-focused.

Central to our school is our Catholicity. St Ambrose is a school that participates in the Church’s mission to evangelise and nurture the life of Christian discipleship. Our focus is shaped by a concern for the holistic development of students in a faith-centered environment. Our school values of being Respectful, Responsible, and Courageous are embedded within the school and underpin our focus on student well-being and student behaviour.

In founding St Ambrose, our educational focus and our pedagogical practices have always been grounded by sound educational research supported by a strong focus on technology. In 2021 the school received the prestigious recognition of becoming an Apple Distinguished School. Apple Distinguished School is an internationally recognised commendation that acknowledges innovation, leadership, and educational excellence. St Ambrose is a school that is recognised for its professional learning culture that drives innovation across the school. St Ambrose has a focus on high-quality instruction, fostering digital learners, and improving student outcomes. 

St Ambrose provides a myriad of extra curricula opportunities. These include an extensive music program that offers instrument tuition, choirs, bands, and drum lines.  A broad and comprehensive sports program, drama, and art classes. In addition to these, students can join various clubs such as gardening clubs, ‘Minnie Vinnies’, chess, STEM classes, etc. St Ambrose endeavours to provide a wide range of activities that enables “every child with the opportunity to shine”.

“It takes a village to raise a child.” St Ambrose adheres itself to this African proverb as we endeavour to provide a safe, welcoming, and supportive environment for students and families. Our school community is vibrant, inclusive and enthusiastic and a real strength of the school. "When we enrol a child at St Ambrose, we don’t just enrol the child we enrol the family.”

St Ambrose is an exceptional school and I am honoured to be the Principal. When appointed as Foundational Principal at St Ambrose I embodied the following:

The King said to me. “Let us start!”

They exclaimed, “Let us build!” and with willing hands they set about the good work.

Nehemiah 2:18

With your support, I will continue to uphold and build upon this amazing school and community, that is St Ambrose.

Brian Laybutt